Friday, July 15, 2005

Practical Side of Living Jesus Spirit

by Geffry Fields

Renew, reprogram the mind as a Jesus Spirit Mind.

Two Practical areas are most critical for great power in Jesus Spirit…
--retraining the patterns of our minds to be consistent with Jesus teaching
--forming liked minded teams of the same mind

This takes personal disciple just like an athlete who wants to compete at the highest level. Good things are not always easy and we must be committed and strategically work hard for it. As Jesus said, the way is narrow and only the few who really want it will make the personal sacrifices to experience it. It is available to anyone who wants it…

We have the admission ticket into the Big Game,
but playing to win championships takes discipline and commitment.

Re-Train the mind to live out the Jesus Spirit pattern of life. Our minds have been influenced through all our lives by everything it has seen, heard, experienced. Research has shown we store all experiences in a very sophisticated subconscious memory system...which is still more advanced than any computer. The mind literally records everything it hears, it takes pictures and stores everything we see…throughout our whole life.

When we made a judgment decision based on certain situations we tend to repeat that later on… when situations similar to our past experiencere occur. Early childhood experiences and emotional response can continue to regulate how we respond to things throughout our entire lifetime. Who we are, how we think and the actions we take are all subject to all these exposures. They are automatic, we respond automatically repeatedly with them in place. Until they are replaced they continue to control our lives. This is very important.

The mind must be literally reprogrammed… deliberately and constructively.

What we constantly expose ourselves to is constantly making an impression on our minds. And that controls our thinking patterns. So we must control the inputs we get in all parts of our lives as much as we can.To change from old, non-productive patterns and build in patterns to be like the Spirit of Jesus, we must constantly feed the very character ofJesus into our minds.

The way to do this is to constantly review the Scriptures, especially Jesus teaching, to reflect, let them soak in and practice putting them to work in real world situations. We must reprogram and replace all that we have let into the storage areas of our minds.

Dr. A pointed out the followers of Jesus in the New Testament continued to be "steadfastly devoted" to Jesus teaching. Hearing his lessons of life He shared while on earth over and over again. They gave all their extra time to a constant exposure of these New Spiritual teachings of Jesus.

This was the first step to becoming extremely unique in love, power and the function of the supernatural as a routine in their lives.

Almost everyone has hypocrisy symptoms. Very few human beings live up to what they say or believe. Each person has areas of inconsistency in how they live, things they do or say they are not consistent with what they say they stand for.

To be consistent to what we believe and stand for requires a personal disciple daily... morning, noon and night... keep mulling over the teachings of Jesus and His Apostles in the Bible. Joshua advocated to meditate on Spiritual principles day and night…i.e., constantly and all the time.

The Bible is still recognized as the most reliable resource on Spiritual growth. The new translations are easy to follow and understand. To change behavior, constant attention must be given to the change process, or our thoughts will revert back to negative self-defeating thoughts, and our actions will continue as before that are not consistent with Jesus Spirit… which result in living without any Power of Spirit manifested through our lives.

Jesus Spirit lives in us and teaches us directly. When we take time to focus on His Spirit in Us we get Divine direction. When our thoughts come in alignment with Jesus way of thinking from the Scriptures, it ignites the Spirit of Jesus to come alive and speak to us, through our thoughts. And It actively works in reality for us.

When you read the Scriptures regularly, this happens more and more and gets more refined. Reconditioning, reprogramming takes time. When you desire circumstances to change and you stay in this High level meditative thought pattern, the elements of earth become a slave to your thought images.

What you see intensely,
vividly for a length of time
with strong heart-felt emotion,
while intensely in Jesus Spirit, begins moving conditions affecting this.

Those who practice this relate that they have seen great miracles when they do this repeatedly. How you prepare in quiet, in Jesus Spirit, the Secret place of the Most High, will be manifested, come into reality.

We, in concert with Jesus Spirit create the reality, the will of Spirit, purpose of life… it becomes us and we then partner with Jesus Spirit to bring it into existence. The biggest part of all this transformational process happens during "Secret Place" times. As a civilization we don't spend as much time here. Those who do will verify that this begins to happen.

But it takes renewing the mind through reprogramming its thought processes, with Jesus Spirit processes and then allowing it to saturate our being as it takes us on a mystical journey in our mind and soul. The more time spent here the greater the external results you will see. The more Spiritual Power you will see being part of your life. The more results you will see in untouchable areas of your life....mind, body, relationships, purpose, mission, gifts, skills.

You live a Powerful, Action-packed, Spirited guided lifestyle.

Be joined with those of the Same Mind

“Be joined together of the same mind”... this is a Spiritual precept.

When two who make a commitment to renew their mind in Jesus Spirit and do this constantly... as a personal discipline... they become much like two spiritual masters in Jesus Spirit. They can take on major undertakings as a team.

In the formative days following Jesus Spirit being released on earth, they didn't have formal places to meet. Most of the time they met in people’s homes. This kept the groups small. Being small they devoted themselves to Jesus teaching, spending time in Spirit growing together and growing into the "same mind."

They relied on Jesus teaching them directly through the Jesus Spirit in each person contributing what they saw, were learning through Spirit. This simple example so profoundly outlines why there was so much power displayed in their lives.

They met in small numbers, really got to know each other becoming One in Spirit. Jesus Spirit Himself taught the group becoming the Same Mind. This is the Mind of Jesus manifesting as He designed it to be.

Today, groups of 2,3, 4, of the same mind, can still see the same phenomenon as they manifest Jesus Spirit by uniting with each other.

“Joined together” (in 1 Corinthians 1) used above is also used by Jesus when he refers to husband and wife unity….What God joins together let no one split up.

This refers to a very close, intimate existence. It relates to all who believe and aspire to live in Jesus Spirit. It goes beyond marriage, to clubs, groups, business ventures,… anyone with a cause, mission can see the power of Spirit manifested in all they do.

“Joined together of the same mind” is the foundation that is critical. It must be there.

But only love, living in Jesus Spirit by each, creates the way for it to be there. It can’t be forced to happen. Only Jesus Spirit in each connecting in love, caring, compassion can make it happen.

I feel groups up to 6 to 8 are most effective. Okay, Jesus had 12 with one bad apple in the bunch.

You can get unity, create a vision formed thru the influence of all, be weighty with a sense of purpose, and a unified drive and determination to carry out a vision.

Everyone keeps everyone going and great power is constantly being transmitted through, between, from the group. They are powerful and unstoppable in their mission. Everyone is interactively contributing to each other. As Jesus Spirit is coaxed to interact above and beyond each others thoughts and actions.

The Same Mind is cultivated by each being disciplined and diligent in renewing their minds…bringing themselves more and more in alignment with Pure Spirit of Jesus Earth Creating Power. When each maintain a pace consistent with each other, they begin merging into a Same Mind of power.

Power teams are birthed and great supernatural things can be accomplished. It happens through Collective Divine thought-gathering of those diligently renewing, enhancing the mind with Pure Spirit Principles which stimulate Spirit Power. As they maintain a tract of being One in Spirit the Power accelerates in proportion to the Oneness which develops and the Same Mind that emerges. They are then genuinely Spirit Led.

The direct Spiritual Intelligence of God through Jesus Spirit leads them. The Spirit, within this team gives them ideas, directions, ways to go, plus supernatural manifestations. The very thoughts and ideas they have are being brought into reality.

There is a practical and supernatural part that work in unison… of the Same Mind.
They get ideas and strategies on what to do,
and the Spirit of Jesus goes ahead of them to create through Spirit Creative Power the very thing they envision as a group… the Same Mind of Jesus Spirit.

Our Actions Inspired, empowered by Spirit;
Plus Spirit preparing, paving the way.

But remember the supernatural occurrence starts immediately when you pray, believe, see in your mind. Thoughts, visions, dreams for better world shared and earnestly desired inagreement of the group... begin forming Right Then.

It happens immediately as the group comes to heart-felt enthusiastic agreement. As any tightly-knit group that prayers together, voices with zeal the excitement of the plans expressed... the manifestation process starts right then and there.

Teams of the same mind, being constantly renewing in the Jesus Spirit are very forceful. As a team, no one is more important than anyone else because of the love and respect they have for each other. The Same Mind crafted by the Spirit molds them into the activated Power cell.

Through the Paradox of Problems Spiritual Power forms.

Many times Jesus Spirit turns what appear to be problems into our biggest blessings.

The early believers of Jesus Spirit were driven into homes for fear of being found out and harmed... being attacked for their beliefs. Dr. A shared, "They were people who had been persecuted and disenfranchised. They had no source of income and had to find ways to feed themselves. In the midst of their abject poverty they were willing to share with other saints. They were ready to liquidate portions of all of their own assets for the benefit of the dependent members of fellowship.

They did not consider anything which they had as too valuable to sacrifice for those in need.

The real truth, which should shine through to everyone, is that the spirit of sacrificial sharing. The willingness to give up our self interests."

Problems make people pull together. When people truly from-the-heart pull together the Principle of Unity of Spirit, Oneness, goes to work. Then as One there is true power, and these groups who get to share this become authentically Powerful. All things are indeed possible… with sacrificial love, and individual interests, selfishness set aside so ALL do well.

So the paradox is that problems many times lead us to the Power of One in Jesus Spirit that works in a supernatural way. It forces us into meditating more on the teachings of Jesus and, consequently, merging into the same mind.

They were completely sold out to what they believed. What they believed was they were willing to do what it took to express it and see its results manifested in the world.

They were committed
and created a personal discipline to get the results they desired.

Those who whole heartily believe in something will be totally, 100% committed to it. Dr. A goes on to say, "Such love was a magnet that drew people to Jesus Spirit. It could be observed they had power with God..." It was a great level of Power, unmatchable by anything on earth.

When living out Jesus Spirit, people like you.
When you care for and show love to people, they like you.
When you sincerely do things with others interests at heart, they like you.

True favor with people is built out of this genuine caring and love for others. They sense and are drawn to you like a magnet. This is irresistible. People can’t help but like you.

The teachings of Jesus are so important because
"The earthly life of Jesus was the 'bodily' form of God on earth."

Our unity as One then is now Jesus, in us, as a unit. Self interest becomes a secondary concern to the well being of others. We see others, from our inner hearts, more important than ourselves.True humility is born and in his humility is Power, Love and the ability to overcome anything that may face us on earth.

When we reach this level of Jesus Spirit among us, interacting between us, we will see the great levels of Jesus’ Power Spirit at work through US as it was when He physically walked the earth.

Practice this as a daily devotion and discipline….
re-Train your brain to the pattern of Jesus Spirit;

Become the same mind with relationships, husband/wife, friends, business and mission associates;

Be thankful for problems, because Jesus Spirit uses them to mold us into a New Mind of the Same Mind for Power, Love and Compassionate living.

Be prepared for Supernatural abilities to be part of your normal day.

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