Friday, August 19, 2005

Supernatural Gifts exceed natural birth talents

By Geffry Fields

When people work as units their gifts begin to surface.

The first level is in the they are born with, the ones that come to the surface throughout one's life time.

The second level are the Spiritual Gifts. Those that emerge in Jesus is Us meetings when all are One with Spirit, One with each other and the Same Mind. Spiritual gifts are truly “gifts” and given from Jesus Spirit in response to the need of each group and for the need that each group is desiring to meet.

Talent Birth Gifts

Today's world is recognizing that discovering natural talent is important as it affects people's contribution and motivation they have on a job/activity. Much research has been done the last decade to help business, groups and organizations learn what these are and help people discover their birth-gifts and put them to use.

One study by Gallup Poll came up with 24 talent strengths people may have. In a book, Now, Discover Your Strengths, they provide a way to find these through an internet talent discovery test, but also outlined in the book are ways to find them in our lives.

They identified the following areas to look at:

Spontaneous, top of the mind reactions
When faced with any situation, of urgency or problem to solve, we have a natural tendency to respond in a certain way. If one takes a minute and looks at how they are thinking (think about your thinking) you will see characteristics about yourself, and how you go about solving or responding to things… things you intuitively start doing.

These fly through your mind immediately, in any given situation, and they may be an indicator of talents you have.

What you yearn for, really would like to be part of your life is another gauge to use. This may be a passionate interest, desire and something you feel strongly to do. Mozart had a yearning for music; Grandma Moses always wanted to paint and late in her life she did; Mother Teresa had exceptional compassion for mankind and wanted to help the struggling ones in life.

All these had a strong internal drive, a yearning, for what they did... which yielded a rare talent.

Rapid Learning
What comes easily may be traces of talent. When you notice others may struggle with something, this may come easy and natural for you. This may be a talent quality you have. When you take a course you grasp the information quickly, it may reveal a true underlining talent.

When ever you do something and it gives you a great amount of satisfaction, it my be a natural talent indicator. Note what you really enjoy doing that gives you a great amount of fulfillment doing it.

For me it may be reading information and sharing with others; my son would like remodeling a bathroom; my mother loves to bake pies and give them to neighbors. These are possible indicators of inherent natural talents a person has… teacher, craftsman, server.

All these are natural birth talents which everyone has. We are now just recognizing the importance of knowing these and getting people involved in their strengths...birth talents. This adds the most to being effective, motivated and making one's best contribution in what we do. When we force people out of these, research has shown people perform poorly, are unhappy, lose hope, and may even be led to self-defeating behaviors.

These are powerful findings in research for making a contribution to life, staying motivated and happy all the time.

Spiritual Gifts
There are Gifts of a level higher, greater, and move advanced than our birth talents. If our natural talents were discovered in each person and then we each add Spiritual Gifts, we would function at Supernatural Levels... if I may be bold enough to say... beyond anything we have ever seen in a society yet.

These gifts show up when the group practices, and has the methods and qualities working in their lives which were discussed in these previous articles....
A Powerful Body in Action... Dr. A's Passion
Matrix of Jesus Spirit Power
Great Groups in Jesus Spirit
When Same Minds Meet...Triggers the Spectacular
Practical Side of Living Jesus Spirit
Magnitude of Being One...

The nucleus of power is intertwined through
One with Spirit
One with each other
One in the Same Mind

Relationship is key...
Loving each other.

Dr. A continued to emphasize "the importance of sacrificial love. It is the cement that unites and holds together the unity so needed." This ignites the fire of Jesus Spirit which manifests Spiritual Gifts through individuals in a group.

"But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love has been brought to full expression through us." (John the Apostle)

Through love to each other, ALL the Indefinable Powers of creation are part of our every day life. Spiritual Gifts are of a Supernatural level, for a purpose with the group, and to provide what is needed supernaturally which the natural talents may fall short in accomplishing.

This is such a power punch we have not included in meetings we have in a business, organizations or any size group.

Our civilization, especially in the United States, has been slacking in our investigations of this and trying out the compelling possibilities it has as a functional apparatus of our lives.

It is available to us.

"We have all these abilities and can perform all of these tasks. But without love, you and I are nothing and profit nothing from any of them." (Dr. A)

The first missing ingredient in all we do is Love. When self interest is the underlining motivation of group members, the power of love is quenched. When love abounds, power, harmony, effectiveness abounds….Spiritual Gifts begin to spring up.

Supernatural Gifts of Jesus Spirit

Here are a few gifts that Spirit gives regardless of intelligence, age, education, position....

Spirit transforms our being to perform Supernaturally… with a group as small as 2, 3, 4….

We may see different ones display above-human abilities. The Spirit will go above and beyond natural talents we have, and those some have discovered early in life and developed into skills they presently use.

In a meeting, when each has committed to a Jesus Spirit life, these can be manifested through individuals in the group. It may come from unlikely sources but be a dramatic display of Supernatural ability… not seen in that person before.

Gifts of Spirit… produced Supernaturally through Jesus Spirit

Wise Advice
This is a thought, idea that has great depths in wisdom in that it solves a problem both short-term and long-term and relationships are built up and each person saves face.

Jesus, in handling the cynical religious leaders of his day, was very gifted with Divine Wisdom. He was so clever He constantly baffled them. This was wisdom beyond human wisdom.

Special Knowledge
Sometimes knowing something out of the clear blue pops into one's mind. Jesus knew all about a lady’s life …her life, history and the way she lived… when he first met her and no one telling him.
It was a Spiritual Intelligence report from Spirit only.

With this gift the person just knows information, through supernatural awareness. This may sound extreme and too remarkable, but those who have Spiritual Gifts expressed through them have experienced this.

Some have great faith and without seeing the evidence of a potential result will just believe, without the least doubt, that it will happen. This person sees great miracles happen around him and transformations in lives where they project this faith.

Once Jesus was asleep in a boat during a storm. He had great faith that the storm would not take his life so He was sound asleep, although his followers were scared out of their wits. He had great faith. He told the storm to stop…and it did.

Get a handle on this scenario… as Jesus is Us we have power over nature’s events.

This is Great, Supernatural faith… We can have it too!

When on earth, Jesus was reported to have healed many people. We can have the same privilege, and those who the Spirit gives the gift of healing will do this. Again, these are gifts and the Spirit will choose the ones who enact it.

Be open again to unlikely sources who many have this gift. It may not be the most distinguished one in a group.

Performing Miracles
In a group, the chances of seeing miracles happen around you increase dramatically. It was said Jesus performed many miracles and now as Jesus Is Us we can see the same through us, especially as united, believing groups.

This can be for couples in marriage, business teams, mission groups.... whatever the mission or venture, miracles can be the common activity of groups united, One in Jesus Spirit and following the pattern of lifestyle Jesus taught. It's knowing His teaching, living consistently with His teaching, and allowing the Jesus Spirit to totally swallow you up, engulf your whole makeup.

When we hold nothing back from Him, He will bring all of Him to us. This again is so related to our loving, generous, compassionate heart to those around us. The more we love, help and care for each other, and love sacrificially, the more we will see miracles of all kinds be products of our groups...of 2, 3, 4 or more.

Knowing the Difference between True Spirit and False spirit.
Some people can perform magic, but not have the true Spirit of Jesus in their lives. So a person must watch not to be misled to think everyone who does impressive things is of the Jesus Spirit.

Look at their attitudes.
The Spirit of God is humble, kind, and gentle and looks out for the other more than one’s self. When you see an ego, harsh expressions, events that center around that person and his/her agenda, it is evidence to beware.

The Spirit within you will let you know whether this is a Spirit of Jesus or a diabolical, selfish spirit to impress and demonstrate personal power. Jesus Spirit desires to make one's self less important and build up the importance of others.

This day and age one needs to watch this very closely. It is very tricky and even the most mature true follower of Jesus, can be misled, for a while. Jesus knew when the religious leaders were out to trick him. He treated them very wisely and shrewdly. This was a gift Jesus, when on earth, had to employ a lot. But His times in God's Spirit gave Him this ability... we can have too.

Hearing Directly from God
Jesus Spirit speaks to everyone. Even Paul the Apostle said that we all should be able to hear directly from God. That love and hearing from Spirit was the higher goals.

When we come to meet with others, we should always have a sense of what Spirit is saying to us today... and share that. We all should be collecting these thoughts from everyone throughout the day, from everyone we meet... especially those we see as least important in life.

Dr. A believed this strongly...that some of the most profound moments of Spirit Speaking to us came from the most unimportant around us, least likely or least suspecting person. So don't over look every run into of the day. Keep your heart and Spirit open.

I know when visiting Dr. A he would ask when I walked in his office "what is God saying to you today." It wasn't a protocol greeting on his part. He believed Spirit was always speaking to everyone. He didn’t want to miss what Spirit was saying through anyone.

To hear from Spirit, we need to hear from everyone we meet. And not over look anyone.

Some times we rely on a person or two be God’s Spokesperson for us in our lives… someone we think is right next to God. Spirit may use this person, but so many times Jesus Spirit will speak to us through the least ones, least important in the world. They may have the Best of what God has to say to us at that time.

It may not be in a special meeting, but, if we really listen and pay attention, it will happen whenever we meet anyone, anywhere, for any reason.

All in all, when we meet with others we should make this a top priority. Listen to everyone.

First get information from Jesus Spirit through everyone attending, then as a group, sort it out.

All voices compiled create One Power Voice, Jesus Voice, talking directly to us.

Leave one voice out of the discussion and the Best of Jesus is left out as well. Consider all people, all thoughts and all parts make Jesus Voice complete.

Predictive Intelligence
is the other gift coming out of the Supernatural array of Gifts.

This person gets a read on what will happen and literally can predict, foretell, future events. These people are sometimes called prophets as they hear from Jesus Spirit on what will happen, so we can direct our activities accordingly.

It takes a lot of integrity for this Gift. A person has to be proven to be a very trustworthy person, humble, not self centered, also having exceptional wisdom.

This is so powerful… just to think when we make decisions, with Divine direction in our court, we can overcome overpowering odds and make great strides. And the only explanation we will have is… this is miraculous…of the Supernatural.

Jesus said He would tell us what is to come. He also forecast all that would happen and He proved His own Divinity by pointing out that the prophets of the Old Testament predicted His arrival on earth and what would happen to Him.

This is so incredible that we all, as the Great Apostle Paul suggested, should have this Gift.

To everyone, it is accessible.
It can be part of our everyday… normal life.

When we seek Jesus Spirit Will with all our heart, with extensive personal and diligent effort, we will receive this Special Spiritual Gift. These are all available to those in Jesus Spirit...when One in Spirit, with each other and of the same mind.

When love abounds, generosity is rampant, kindness prevails..miracles can be the every day part of our lives.

Remember, for Spiritual power, small is better. The Power comes out of close knit relationships. Although when big groups meet, and the same Spirit is not among them all, it slows this down and Power is drastically diminished. It is not the number present, but the unity of Spirit that is most important. A few can accomplish as much as 20,000 when there is unity of Spirit...
One with Spirit,
One with each other,
and of the Same Spiritual Mind.

Above everything else, each is encouraged to share what they are hearing from Jesus Spirit, the Spirit of God in them. Each should have a place to share what that is.

We should share what Infinite Knowledge, Wisdom, Insight and Power is saying to each person.

When we hear from everyone, we hear from the Most High Spirit of God Himself. It is the Spirit Voice profoundly talking to, directing, and empowering us.

The miraculous and Supernatural Gifts are all accessible
to every group who lives in Jesus Spirit as
Jesus is Us.

1 comment:

Hobbs said...

You know what this message is deep and you have just answered the questions that I have always had in my mind. Well presented. I'm tired of operating in my natural capacities. I desire to step up the game!