Saturday, March 16, 2013

Power Through Prayer (5) ... Prayer Essentials, getting results from God

by Dale Shumaker
Spirit Savvy Network

Finding your mission, Empowering your life through prayer,
Becoming a Missionary in the Marketplace
Leading others to be Missionaries in the Marketplace

Power through Prayer by E. M. Bounds is becoming a book on prayer that is being highly recommended. Many great people of faith have said Bounds has been a major influence in having a dedicated prayer life. Here are summaries of the chapters in Power through Prayer.

Power Through Prayer, chapter 5, Prayer Essentials, getting results from God:

The believers study ought to be a closet, a Bethel, an altar, a vision, and a ladder, that every thought might ascend heavenward ere it went manward; that every part of his message might be scented by the air of heaven and made serious, because God was in the study. As the engine never moves until the fire is kindled, so speaking/presenting, with all its machinery, perfection, and polish, is at a dead standstill, as far as spiritual results are concerned, till prayer has kindled and created the steam.

Prayer, as a mere habit, as a performance gone through by routine or in a professional way, is a dead and rotten thing. Prayer which is born of vital oneness with Christ and the fullness of the Holy Ghost, which springs from the deep, overflowing fountains of tender compassion, deathless solicitude for man’s eternal good; a consuming zeal for the glory of God; a thorough conviction of the imperative need of God’s mightiest help. Praying grounded on these solemn and profound convictions is the only true praying. Preaching/speaking backed by such praying is the only preaching which sows the seeds of eternal life in human hearts and builds men up for heaven.

It is true that there may be popular preachers, preaching of much intellectual, literary, and brainy force, with its measure and form of good, with little or no praying; but the preaching/speaking which secures God’s end must be born of prayer delivered with the energy and spirit of prayer, followed and made to germinate, and kept in vital force in the hearts of the hearers by the preacher’s prayers, long after the occasion has past.

People who gain mighty results for God are the people who have prevailed in their pleadings with God ere venturing to plead with men. The people who are the mightiest in their closets with God are the mightiest in their talking with men.

Prayer is humbling work. It abases intellect and pride, crucifies vain glory, and signs our spiritual bankruptcy, and all these are hard for flesh and blood to bear. It is easier not to pray than to bear them. So we come to one of the crying evils of these times, maybe of all times—little or no praying. Of these two evils, perhaps little praying is worse than no praying. Little praying is a kind of make-believe, a shallow lotion for the conscience, a farce and a delusion.

To men who think praying their main business and devote time to it according to this high estimate of its importance does God commit the keys of his kingdom, and by them does he work his spiritual wonders in this world.

Great praying is the sign and seal of God’s great leaders and the earnest of the conquering forces with which God will crown their labors.

We are commissioned to pray as well as to share. Our mission is incomplete if we do not do both well. We may speak with all the eloquence of men and of angels; but unless he can pray with a faith which draws all heaven to our aid, we will be “as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal” for permanent God-honoring, soul-saving uses

The complete chapter on Prayer Essentials, getting results from God:
The Christian Classics Ethereal Library and many great classic works on Christian Growth, by the best of the Saints of Old whose works have been passed down through the ages.

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