by Geffry Fields
When asked who was the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven, Jesus pointed to a child.
This is important to reaching the height of Spiritual experience in our lives… this one experience of Jesus lays a core foundation for all greatest in Spiritual lifestyle.
What stood out in Jesus function and character was, although aware of the crowds, he saw individual persons.
Today we are starting to pay more attention to each person... what are his/her gifts, natural birth gifts? What is significant about this person that plays a critical role in all we do? We live in a mass society. But the individual voice is now showing how powerful it is as outlets are being made for that to be heard.
Business Week magazine(June 20, 2005) pointed out that we may be rapidly moving out of an industrial-based business world and will have an economic structure "of the people, by the people and for the people." Instead of the power of the big movers and shakers, a new power is emerging...the power of the mass as one voice, united in cause and spirit.
Now millions of weblogs are being formed by individuals on every subject imaginable and they, as a collective group of individuals, are sharing their individual voices among each other. The heart of regular folks is being heard. There is a “Power of Us” forming.
Jesus pointed to this all along… in everything He did and said. He is what we may call the premier people person. People are important as individual personalities and not just numbers. He came to earth representing being the least of all people. Being born in a barn was by design to make His point.
Jesus hung around society's undesirables. He openly talked to a woman known for her indiscreet lifestyle living with many men... having many men in her life and being sexually active with all of them. Then He went to parties with the most corrupt business and government people in town who invited all their friends... known for being notorious “bad boys” of the town.
When on a trip, very intensely heading to an important engagement that was critical to his mission on earth, he was walking so fast even his entourage couldn’t keep up with him. A woman tracked him down and pleaded with him to stop and heal her daughter. Jesus at first ignored her, then in her pestering he finally stopped. He had compassion for her, and helped her.
Jesus has great compassion for individuals. He saw each of their hearts whether immoral, corrupt or hurting. He took time to help even at the times when he didn’t have the time.
This is so characteristic when He took time for children. He made His point here. The point He makes…is central to all Spiritual power in our lives.
A child is the most teachable and impressionable person. Jesus saw this as the ideal spirit within a person. Meekness (humble, open-minded, willing to listen), being teaching is the beginning of getting wisdom directly from Jesus Spirit and living in power in ourselves and "collectively" with each other.
Collective Connection…
linking all the voices of Spirit…
someone may ask who is the person in charge in such a case.
Our society wants to know… who is in charge. Who is the leader, president, the authority person over this?
What is so profound of this new way of thought by Jesus was that He personally would be in charge. If we listen to our hearts (each person sincerely on his own looking into his heart), they would hear Jesus Spirit pulsating His thoughts, ways, Power of Life to them.
In sincerity, not putting one's self above any one else, we would hear the voice of Jesus. Link our voices from Spirit; and Our Voice would be One.
So we then have this respect for everyone, because everyone has the Spirit of Jesus in them, speaking continually. We would not rate whether we listen to someone because of life status... age, position, income, belongings, talents, etc. We all vary, are distinctively different from each other in some way.
But in Spirit, we are linked as One Spirit.
We respect the Spirit of Jesus in everyone of Us as equal. So we would be careful not to offend even one of the least of those around us, of those we come into contact with each day. This leads us then to see ourselves in a role to serve others.
The seat of our authority is in our relationships... open-minded, humble, and willing to listen respectfully to each other.
This opens the door for a mammoth level of power. Jesus said we cannot enter the Kingdom of God unless we become as a child... having the qualities of a child. A child is open, eager to listen and understand. A child believes what he is told and when growing up in an open, accepting environment he becomes very honest in all he/she does.
This is the true evidence for whether we have received the Spirit of Jesus in our lives... it is determined by how we receive the "least" of these around us.
When we receive, accept, respect the heightened position of every created one of God, we accept what Jesus Spirit is in us.
We then can relish and live with confidence that all of Jesus Spirit Power, Love, Peace, walks continually with us. When we become prideful, feel better than, criticize others, we subdue the very Spirit of Jesus to be expressed our lives. We block this natural flow of His love and power in us.
It’s there, always there, we just suppress its potential.
Jesus said the way we treat the less fortunate is the way we are treating Him.
Jesus takes this action as our attitude toward Him.
Dr. A, when referring to those in what is called church, said (which was very strong) if you ignore, overlook people due to race, class, amount of wealth, education, position, we reject Jesus. These people “are not members” of the real Body of Believers, not in His Church.
A person may go to a church, be a member of a religious group and do all the things they do to be recognized as "Godly" people, but if this is not part of a person's heart they are not part of Jesus' collective, power-source of people.
It’s a heart thing…
not an organization thing… It’s a Spiritual thing.
It’s about our recognized connection and respect to each other
as being part of us.
Dr. A was very emphatic about this.
“Many people in churches may not be true followers of Jesus.” (Dr. A)
By violating this one principle of what a true Jesus follower is, this may have caused more damage than any other; and it has caused many to not be receptive of the reality of the Spirit of Jesus living in them, and has hindered many from interacting with each other within the heart of Jesus Spirit.
Dr. A identified the above line of thought with its origin in Matthew 18 in the Bible. He summarized that true Believers, who live out the Power of Jesus in them, recognize
1. The highly valued importance of each individual and the uniquely placed Spiritual gifts in each and every person.
2. And the importance of relating to each other knowing that the personal person of Jesus Spirit lives in each person…We collectively become all who Jesus IS.
This is the most important lesson of those accepting Jesus is Us.
We, collectively, have all the power of Jesus at our disposal.
When we reject this connection,
we rob ourselves and others of the Unlimited Benefits of this connection...
earth-forming, man-creating, universe-managing level Power.
So… we live knowing Jesus is Us.
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