Saturday, December 15, 2012

With Christ in the School of Prayer (18) ... In Harmony with the Destiny of Man

by Dale Shumaker
Spirit Savvy Network

Finding your mission, Empowering your life through prayer,
Becoming a Missionary in the Marketplace
Leading others to be Missionaries in the Marketplace

An all-time Christian Classic on prayer which is a foundational study on prayer that anyone interested in Prayer should read. So, I decided to summarize it chapter by chapter. With Christ in the School of Prayer is a classroom on the Power of Prayer in your Life.

With Christ in the School of Prayer by Andrew Murray,
Chapter 18, In Harmony with the Destiny of Man

The image he bears decides his destiny.  Bearing God’s image, he belongs to God:  prayer to God is what he was created for.  Prayer is part of the wondrous likeness he bears to His Divine original; of the deep mystery of the fellowship of love in which the Three-One has His blessedness, prayer is the earthly image and likeness.

We must turn back to God’s own record of man’s creation to discover there what God’s purpose was, and what the capacities with which man was endowed for the fulfilment of that purpose.

It was to fill, to subdue, to have dominion over the earth and all in it.  All the three expressions show us that man was meant, as God’s representative, to hold rule here on earth.

It was the will of God that all that was to be done on earth should be done through him:  the history of the earth was to be entirely in his hands.

As God’s representative man was to have ruled; all was to have been done under his will and rule; on his advice and at his request heaven was to have bestowed its blessing on earth.

In Abraham we see how prayer is not only, or even chiefly, the means of obtaining blessing for ourselves, but is the exercise of his royal prerogative to influence the destinies of men, and the will of God which rules them.

There was an inner agreement and harmony between God and man, and incipient God-likeness, which gave man a real fitness for being the mediator between God and His world, for he was to be prophet, priest, and king, to interpret God’s will, to represent nature’s needs, to receive and dispense God’s bounty.

Prayer is not merely the cry of the suppliant for mercy; it is the highest form of putting forth of his will by man, knowing himself to be of Divine origin, created for and capable of being, in king-like liberty, man is the executor of God’s plan.

It is for those who abide in Him, who have forsaken self to take up their abode in Him with His life of obedience and self-sacrifice, who have lost their life and found it in Him, who are now entirely given up to the interests of the Father and His kingdom.  

Such have indeed the power, each in their own circle, to obtain and dispense the powers of heaven here on earth.

Believers of the living God!  Your calling is higher and holier than you know..  As kings, and priests unto God, would God rule the world; your prayers bestow and withhold the blessing of heaven.”

More on the Prayer In Harmony with the Destiny of Man
The Christian Classics Ethereal Library has many classic works on prayer and living a Spirit-filled life.

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