Thursday, January 24, 2013

Spirit Savvy Network … a vision for invigorating lifestyle

by Dale Shumaker
Spirit Savvy Network

I shared my vision with someone over coffee. Then a few days later someone else suggested I share it on my Facebook page. So I did. This is the flow of thought that came out to explain it.

We have what we call church today. I have had a vision of what this should be for over 20 years now. So I began, began, began again, quietly, and somewhat unnoticed building an infrastructure for this new "organism" of Spirit, not so much organizational. A True Spiritual move is coming from God's Spirit. I am building an infrastructure for it, so it will be mobilized and fluid. The biggest difference is it will not be brick and mortar, visibly, or organizationally based. But Highly Relationship based(capital letters intended here). I was encouraged by some solid Spiritual leaders of the Church to create it. These past Saints of God have died now. But the vision remains ever so strong in me. When the Spirit of a Sovereign nature hits, a system in Spirit will be in place, people will have access to Spiritual growth systems without prejudice, i.e., it will center around the very person of Jesus Christ with less interest in a "denominational” type-cast of who you are in Spirit...baptist, pentecostal, evangelical, mainline, spiritual, etc., on and on." These names will disappear. It will be back to blocking and tackling(as Vince Lombardi said).

So then the purpose for the Spirit Savvy Network is to facilitate a Spiritual growth system and create an infrastructure for the Principles of Spirit to flourish in life and the marketplace. I saw a huge need here. Over 200 million people in the US alone are not part of the current church system. I am not against church, but it is a man-made system today. It needs to be rejuvenated of which I feel is a noble cause. Those in the system I thought would be the first to say..., “yeah, how can we refine this to the origins of power and dynamic community it was meant to be.”  To my surprise, those in the establish church system seemed lesser receptive to the idea than those outside the system.

I shy away from groups, organizations, ideas that people follow. I simply follow the person I have come to enjoy personally, and finding others who share in that. When people ask, "what church do you go to?" I am perplexed. I don't think that way. I am connected to a Person... not a group. And I connect to those who connect to that Person as well. It's all person to person to person and personal. As Oswald Chambers said I also share, “The Apostle Paul was devoted to a Person, not to a cause. He was absolutely Jesus Christ’s."

The best way I saw was to create a new structural dynamic so it could be vibrant within its own characteristics... in other words self-perpetuating, not organizationally driven.   I have been looking as well for those who would help me to make something better. I have to be honest to my convictions, from the Spirit. I may have to continue pressing on alone in this, but I got to do what I see as the right thing, the best for the creation of God He put on earth.

Well, this has been over a twenty year experience of trying my best to convince others. I am at the place in life I must take what I have been commissioned to do and get it going. Hope to find a few out there to help.
It's a group thing. Many in cooperation are needed.

How will this play out?
Christ in Spirit is not limited. Those in relationship will experience His Presence and His companionship in a walking-the-streets way. Every day activities will have His Presence within it. Compassion and unselfish interests will be prominent. Kindness to others will flourish, and Love will have a natural foothold on everyone's life. Once I had an experience of an established denomination disowning me. I learned a big lesson... the blocking and tackling of Spirit... the Bible talks, Prayer works, Friends in Spirit empower, honesty in life prevails. It's simple, but dynamic when practiced daily. Life joys are simple. Stress is not necessary. We all can do it... rich, poor, smart, slow... we all can do it.

So the Spirit Savvy Network is being created as a platform for those 200 million who really in their hearts seek God and want to find Him. The Spirit Savvy Network is much like open source technologies available that all can use. It simply trains people in the process used within the Acts of the Apostles , what Paul taught in His letters, what Jesus defined in principle is our lifestyle identity.

The main ingredients are
tapping into Spiritually fed lifestyle;
our mission
which is God's gifts in us used to empower community which also produces commerce as a byproduct;
a training system
for the individual (the New Breed Mission-ary Entrepreneur);
and develop those to disciple and assist others
(the Entrepreneur Mission-ary Accelerator). 

These components create the Spiritual apparatus for a "Re-freshed, God-freshed" Spiritual Community with Jesus Christ Himself, In Spirit Among Us, to guide the whole thing.

And just to let you know, the characteristics of Ephesians 4 for guiding people are there...
the biz leader who trains and disciples others is like a pastor,
the entrepreneur is naturally prophetically gifted.
Those with sales skills are natural evangelists,
and managers are natural teachers.
It's all there, all that we call church today in function can be reproduced in the marketplace and day to day activities.

It is developed with Spirit as the core emphasis, and then these other skills in lifestyle, business, community management, work. You see Spirit drives, mobilizes and empowers everything. So Spirit as the core creates a new dynamic that makes everything else work at a Super-Higher level, with greater depth and stamina.  

We seem to have limited the function to one structure, which has shortcomings. Although for a new vibrancy it needs to be intertwined with our existing lifestyles.

But if enhanced with the Spirit we will see the Gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12) played out as a part of our lifestyles too. A Super-natural quality will manifest itself within and through it. Gifts of Spirit will be part of every person’s weaponry for the day.

It just needs to be put in stride with the natural flow of things as we have seen in the Old Testament societies, and now, today, enhanced by the very Spirit of Jesus one with US... aka, Jesus/Spirit now embedded in a person among people connected in community, vibrant in Spirit, Love, Joy and productively living with Gifts of God.

That's what I am seeing so far. Although, it requires the connecting, collaborating insights and efforts of others to become complete. It's a mass effort, orchestrated by Spirit. The group, or rather a connected body, a network, connected in Spirit, as each works cooperatively together
Like the saying "all for one, one for all." 

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