Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Connecting Circuits... they all must flow

by Geffry Fields

We are designed as a community of power points where Spirit is in constant flow.

When this flow breaks down, the whole thing doesn't work.

This is critical to Supernatural functional power in our lives. Jesus Spirit engineered it that way.

In physics, technology everything is interconnected... our bodies are interconnected. When one part does not connect with the other part the whole configuration is bogged down. In cars, computers are designed so when one part malfunctions, the others pick up the slack. It still runs, but not as well. For us to see the best of what is possible for us we must have our relationships fine tuned and connecting with great precision.

This is so critical as the best of everything depends our relationships to others.

Where harmony prevails, power increases.
Great power is demonstrated when great harmony is functioning.

This becomes self-evident. Just like a circuit board in technology... when all circuits are technically correct and programmed well, the effectiveness and speed increases proportionately.

Dr. A. related this to how the Power of Jesus Spirit is released through our relationships. These are the circuit connections God uses. Each has a part and function, and when harmony is intricately there,

Power is vigorously expressed.

All the unique birth gifts and Spirit-Powered gifts of people are contingent on this harmony among the individuals of any group...home, office, club, sports, etc. I have spent a lot of time studying small business development. Small businesses lack the power of harmonious group connection.

I grew up close to Pennsylvania Amish country. All the families worked together. They connected with each other and unselfishly assisted each other. This type of mindset and activity would greatly help small business owners.

If they formed teams, as small businesses, and worked as harmonious complementing units, they would be much more powerful. Small could become big if the small units harmonized efforts to form big effort. It is taking each strength and synergizing it with others so that as a "virtual corporation" they operate with much more power.

A Spiritual Power Cell is formed.

This holds true for our Spiritual lives. When we combine in belief, hope and faith alongside others... share, pray, believe as a unit... great Spiritual Power ignites!

There are a few ground rules to make this work. Every effort should be made to mend a rift between those working together. Condemning others or judging others will shut down the circuiting flow of Spirit that creates the power. Every effort should be made at reconciliation between parties. When we take curative action, power can be restored. As Dr. A put it..."whatever you (the corporate body) bind on earth is bound in heaven." Heaven and earth are linked. All the power of Heaven is prepared to launch. All circuits are opened and all the power of the universe flows freely.

(Note: when bind is used above it is a very strong word… it’s a cemented, emotional, mental, spiritual agreement of Heavenly authority.)

This cannot be emphasized too much. These kind of team efforts, when talents and skills are combined in complementary ways, create supernatural power potential.

Some may take this thought and twist it to their advantage and tell others "if you don't follow me," you are not cooperating. This attitude is selfish as the true attitude seeks to understand the gifts in each other and seeks to help the other use them to the highest level in Jesus Spirit potential as possible. The true Spirit of Jesus yields to others, puts others first and has a servant’s heart. They see themselves as one who sees others more important than themselves and tries to help them be the person that Jesus sees them to be.

It's an inter-relating cooperation of everyone with Jesus and His way of thinking through them.

The real question is...
What is my role in this person's life for what Jesus has for them?

This holds true for marriages, business relationships, clubs, organizations, friends....when we think and act this way the circuits of connection are wide open and we allow all of the Spirit, universe-changing, Power of Jesus Spirit in Us and connecting us to flow at a mighty force.

What is agreed on in the world connects with the power of heaven. This is the hub of relationship power. Too often we focus more on the number of people involved in something and not the relationship between the people. This is where Dr. A jumped to the head of thinking today. He said the power...having the power of Heaven touch us on earth... is based on the Relationship Quality people whatever they are doing. It is not the number of people. It is The Relationship between the two or three combining talents in a project, activity, or personal relationship.

He noted that it is easier to get harmonious agreement between two or three than with larger numbers. The real issue is how well, the quality, kindredness, intimacy(mind/spirit) of those relating to each other. If this is not the case, “the number of people involved means nothing."

In a church, large business gathering, event, we judge success by the numbers as being powerful. But a crowd, not connected, will quickly turn on you. Two or three with a well-built, developed, tightly-knit relationship will stay loyal to each other regardless of circumstances.

Growing up close to Philadelphia, it is observed by many that the sports fans in that city will quickly turn from you when you lose. Team loyalty is not a hallmark fan trait there. The large crowds will diminish if the team is not winning. Why? Lack of a relationship between fans and team members.

Crowds of individuals, unrelated, unconcerned about the well being of anyone else... are there for self interest. They lack the dynamic of agreement in their group. Those who don't participate in a process are not loyal to a process. This is dangerous and a vulnerable characteristic of mass meetings developed without relationship qualities intertwined through them.

Large gathers of any kind are vulnerable to losing people quickly if things don't go as the people desire. Where relationship ties are lacking, loyalty can fade quickly and desertion can happen suddenly.

In the Bible it even says that in response to some of Jesus teachings the crowds quickly abandoned Him. They were only around him for selfish interests. To be fed, feel good, see a miracle... but were not connected to Him personally.

Masses not connected among each other are very volatile and can change their position to you suddenly, and without warning.

From experience, I would rather work with smaller groups than larger groups initially. Larger groups have a mass mob psychology and it is hard to cultivate a group mind that works together. Jesus himself focused on just a few people the last part of His life on earth. They became committed, Supernaturally, and changed the whole dynamics of the world... and it is still going on.

This is also for us today... even at a greater level...

If we would go for it.

Note: Action on earth is validated by action in Heaven. When One in Spirit and mind on earth, we ignite the forces of Heaven.

The Power Point:
"Our relationships to others ON EARTH "releases" Jesus Spirit Power in Us from Heaven."

Small mission teams networking with other small mission teams (with each team strong in their relationships among themselves and strong relationships connecting the teams) they can saturate the cracks and crevices of any social mass.

It will be a well connected Power Circuit.

It will be the very Active Presence of Jesus Spirit flowing forcefully through all Circuits.

It will form a massive “mother” board, an invincible Spiritually-based platform. Jesus is Us is Spread throughout, within, and penetrating though all nooks of society. The very Presence of Jesus is in among us. As we allow this very presence of Jesus Spirit among us, all of His Great Power is manifested through us.

There is love and forgiveness and our Circuits are Connected to Him

and all of His Circuits are connected to each other.

We are One within the Power of the universe, controlling power of the ages.

It controls evil spirits of the world, destructive thinking of the world, diabolical plots of the world, harmful diseases of the world... we got the Power and it is among us and working through US as Jesus is Us... and we can see all the Powers of His authority working .

Jesus is among us... literally.. in Spirit, connecting with

THE Super Power.

When Jesus is the center of our lives and efforts,
we have the presence of life's circumstance-changing Power all around Us.

1 comment:

Sue4AVON said...

This piece really speaks to me, especially as I am involved in a building a recently created church community.
I have experienced both the positive and negative aspects addressed here.
Currently we are in a major struggle and I believe these issues are at the heart of the problem and the solution lies in putting into practice the power points described.
Thank you for this post!