Friday, August 05, 2005

Great Groups in Jesus Spirit

By Geffry Fields

Ultimate Power comes from Groups who practice the Jesus Spirit.
These groups are not limited in application... life, work, special mission.

Anyone who applies the Jesus Spirit, will see the very statement of Jesus...
“You will do even greater things than you have seen me do”
...being fulfilled through the dynamics of these groups.

Here are some key factors to consider... how this works in Jesus Spirit.


There is no formal leader. One or two may be gifted in seeing that the flow of information is balanced and all get to participate, but the word "leadership" is redefined.
"The greatest will be the least
and the leaders will be the servants of all." (Jesus)

Everyone, when One in Spirit and the Same Mind,
reflects what is the Mind of Jesus Himself being re-manifested in the group.

Jesus Spirit himself is the leadership for the group... other than just one person. This is a different dynamic in the Western culture as we are not used to and it would take some time to get used to it. True leaders are true servants.

True leadership serves those around them, helps them find their natural gifts and creates a platform so their gifts in Spirit can emerge, be expressed in unique ways.

True leaders don’t have followers. They mobilize and push people forward, above and beyond them, to use their gifts in admirable, outstanding ways… in a spirit of service to others. Leaders aren’t about coming up with a vision and selling it to others. They are about helping those they know come up with a vision which enacts their gifts and selling them on their vision. They help others find their gifted vision, bring complementary visions together to create an even Bigger vision and gift package.


Spirit-based gifts will surface when everyone is One in Jesus Spirit and of the Same Mind. When there is unity of Spirit, this ignites gifts in each person... above and beyond their natural birth gifts and those developed through education and training. It takes loving, respecting and caring for each other... in this Spirit, Supernatural, gifts blossom.

It is important to see this will take place and respect it when it happens. It may surprise those in the group what happens to some during the course of a meeting or gathering for a specific purpose. Gifts of a Supernatural level may come through certain ones that you would least expect. So it is important not to be prejudice, or predetermine the contribution of each person.

The Jesus Spirit will create these gifts… in ways that will surprise us. True leadership is servanthood as One. We are all called to serve, respect diverse gifts, and contribute to combining diversity of talents to form a team of Creating Power.

Giving Up... Giving To

When everyone has a servant's spirit and sees others as more important than themselves, the ground is laid for this. It takes an attitude of "giving up"... Jesus referred to this when he asked will you drink the cup I drink and eat the bread that I eat. In other words will you die to yourself like I did so you will have the power... which He promised.

As each member"gives up" his position, his pride, his feeling of I have the best idea, his knowledge... anything that would create the attitude.... I am the one with the right answer, solution, etc.... this “giving up” fosters the Power of the Jesus Spirit in the group. One problem we all face is we think we are right. And in groups we choose the one’s answer who we feel is right.

The Jesus Spirit does it differently. As each humbles himself and works to be a part of the group mind, Jesus Mind, we have a higher order of intelligence beginning to form... Spiritual Intelligence. This is the Jesus Spirit at work in the group. To gain more, each of us individually must “give up” what we have and merge with the group.

It also takes “giving to.”

Where there are needs and we have ability, knowledge or possessions that would help, each gives to the other to help so their is equality.

This stimulates the Jesus Spirit. We give in love to each other as we see needs in each other, especially where we have means, talent, or position to do that. As John the Apostle said in his letter, if you see a Jesus Spirit person with material needs and you don't help even though you have means to help, you do not have the love of God in you. You are not a true follower of Jesus Spirit.

“We should practice the acts of serving members of the Body of Christ and others when they are in need.… If we do not have a serving attitude toward those in need, we suffer the loss of the manifestation of His Presence.” (Dr. A)

This all happens out of a heart of love. It is not manipulated. We do it because love is in us.

We are, in Jesus Spirit, generous like He is and we want others to have if we have something more than, possessions, position, knowledge.

The Apostles in the Bible had little money, but gave healing. Jesus grave was provided by a person who had a burial place... a fairly well-to-do person. It is the Spirit of being generous.

Freely you have received; freely give.
Love is generous, caring, kind and wants no one to be without or be in a tight spot around them. It literally breaks the Heart of Jesus when we close up His Spirit and don't share with the less fortunate.

Give away your gifts as needed, your skills, ability, money, possessions, time, as you have it, needed to accomplish a group Inspired mission. In this Spirit, Spirit Power rises to the forefront. So in a group, if someone is weak in an area, those stronger in that area should make up the difference.

Each person does this and then the group is balanced in function and it provides the dynamic for Jesus Spirit to function Supernaturally.
Love grows, groups bond.

Love Covenant Connection

Dr. A pointed out that the last supper meal of Jesus had a much more significant meaning than practiced today. When sharing the wine with each other, He was sharing His blood (from His brutal death) with everyone. He was creating a blood covenant… it creates a close love covenant.

We are One... a binding relationship in that all things were shared as common. This is the ideal of marriage... all belongs to both. It is a Spiritual union.

When groups live in covenant relationship, a love covenant relationship, is practiced in Spirit among each other,

All The Power of Jesus Spirit is then manifested
to surpass what Jesus Himself accomplished while on earth.

Now, Jesus is Us does this as One in corporate unity in Spirit. (Where 2, 3, 4 or more work as a love unit… the power of Jesus is Us is demonstrated.)

Jesus is Us is One formed in Power. Division robs Spiritual Power. Sacrificial unity manufactures Power. Division is our biggest enemy… it destroys all the Potential Power of Jesus is Us.

To diminish Jesus Spirit power, break the unity in the group:
be selective who the leader is,
don't compensate for others' weakness,
deny the use of Spiritual gifts some get in the meetings,
don't help someone when they have a need
that you have means to help....
all this creates an unbalance of the covenant connection
they have as a group.
Power is deflated, and groups wimp out.

“The Corinthians had lost the sense of Covenant Connection. Paul, the Apostle said, ‘We being many are one bread, and one body.’ He addressed their loss of consciousness of the value of need for unity. Satan, Evil Spirits, business is to divide. The Holy Spirit cannot work where there is division. We only need to remember that it is where two agree on earth, the Father works in Heaven. God, the Holy Spirit (Jesus Spirit) works when God’s people are in unity.” (Dr. A)

Merge Diversity

Different perspectives which merge to function as an orchestration of views and activity creates power.

Harmony in Diversity is the fuse to power.

Great things come out of this phenomenon. When we spend our time seeking for the right answer, from the right person, we limit impact. We should assume all are right, to merge all ideas to form a better inspired idea.

Dr. A believed when we do this, we then are hearing from Jesus Mind. So we add “all” of Jesus Spirit (presented in parts from everyone). Then we all share part of Jesus Voice. We bring it into one Voice, one shared/combined view, perspective of a Higher Level… that moves us into the Jesus Mind. When all voices are heard, we hear Jesus’ voice... all ideas form One Bigger Idea... a Jesus is Us Idea.

Then Jesus Spirit puts the rest in motion... Supernaturally.
Those gifted by the Jesus Spirit will rise up to help bring this to One complete voice... the Jesus Spirit Voice. When this Voice is heard (that includes each voice heard and expanded to a Higher voice) the vision, idea, solution presented is then, at that momemt, put in motion in Spirit.

The next step is each determining, through the Jesus Spirit, what each person’s role is in carrying it out. This brings on the next phase of Gifts…each are gifted with what is needed to carry it out to Spiritual perfection. Spiritual gifts then evolve which equip those committed to the Spiritual Vision, cultivated through being One in Jesus Spirit, carrying out the Spiritual as prescribed by the Group/Jesus Spirit Mind.

Love, relationship binding, humility, respect to each other and an enthusiasm as a group is also inherently manifested out of this.

As I visited with Dr. A. he saw this... Covenant Connection Principle…as the key to seeing the Supernatural as the normal part of our lives. The lack of the Covenant Connection Principle is the reason why so little power in living exists today.

Any group.... a business group, family group, cause/mission group, Spiritual Growth group.... that applies this principle will see "Greater things than what Jesus did on earth" happen through their groups.

“The covenant connection between believers provides a way for the healing love to bring healing to the sick.” (Dr. A)

To get the Jesus Mind, all perspectives from each person must be heard out to completion. We must not let the strong, opinionated voice dominate the group. All voices need to be heard and then allow the Jesus Spirit to raise it up to the Heavenly Level of Power and Supernatural ability to resolve any problem, conquer any quest, and mobilize any mission.

This would make businesses, and any group with a special purpose, very noble and powerful if they followed the Jesus Spirit pattern… an organism with a noble cause.

A business leader’s role is ideally a servant leader to bring the gifts out of people, create business systems that utilize these gifts to the fullest and maintain the Spiritual unity which fosters greatness.

It is his/her role to create ways to take care of people and the needs in people’s lives. Jesus ideal presented to mankind can be fulfilled through the business system in society. If business owners see their role beyond just profits for themselves and shareholders,
but instead see profits for all who work with them
as a core of Spirit power fulfilled through a Jesus is Us community.

Business entities can lead the way for the Power of Jesus is Us to be manifested in the community, and nation they serve. This can be the hub of Jesus is Us in society. The home is ideal, but realistically people interact as a community with more time at work.

Spiritual cells of power and unity can be cultivated and carried out in the workplace with more precision…. which would impact the people, their home lives, the community and the nation…. and create a Supernaturally profitable business entity.

Jesus is Us can be used as a business management model, process and system for exceptional service and product development.

It only takes 2, 3, 4 or more in unison, “Covenant Connection,” to accomplish this. It takes "Giving up" all we have for others. And "Giving to" what we can to make it happen. It is of interest to read the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 10, in the Bible.

“Those who Give up… for the Jesus Spirit… will not go without their reward.” It is a reward of ultra-world proportions of the Most High for Jesus is Us.

“When we unite here on earth, it connects us with Heaven.”
(Dr. A)

A unique view. Uniting on earth creates an interactive connection with Heaven's miraculous creating power. IT Sparks Heavenly Activity.
(Angelic forces strategically carry out Spiritual military engagements on our behalf.)

Great Groups of Jesus Spirit function with humility, forgiving hearts, serving others sacrificially as needed… a loving, reciprocating, caring group of noble, cause-driven, gifted, giving people.

This is how Jesus Spirit actualizes Great Groups.

The more each person of a group
allows the substance of Jesus Spirit to possess them,
the Greater it Compounds the substance of Jesus Spirit
to blossom in the group as a whole.

Not all things are possible by a human being;
but human beings as One in Jesus Spirit,
becoming Jesus is Us,

ALL Things Are Possible!

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