Friday, July 29, 2005

When Same Minds Meet...Triggers the Spectacular

by Geffry Fields

The Spectacular of Spirit Powered Meetings

It is amazing what happens
when two, three or more people meet
for the purpose of translating the influence
of the Jesus Spirit into their lives.

The Physician, Luke, who wrote of Jesus' life, recorded an incident when the new followers of Jesus Spirit got together and ask God to give them All of God's Spirit that Jesus had for what they were doing.

After each incident when they saw Jesus Spirit work on their behalf, they went back to one of these Spirit Powered Meetings. Some call them prayer meetings, although they were encounters with Spirit that Supercharged them for what they were about. They met to allow Spirit to encourage them and they petitioned Spirit of Jesus to continue to empower them. They were Spirit Meetings.

Great, spectacular things always came out of them.

This also has implications on how we can meet with others and see the same dramatic evidences of Spirit Power at work with us. Always go back to Spirit and get refueled each time you see Jesus Spirit work on your behalf. When things go well, always go back into Spirit. When things go wrong, always go into Spirit.

It is like recharging your batteries so they are constantly operating at full power. On my cell phone it has an indicator that says battery full when it’s at full strength. I am careful not to let it get at low battery because it may just shut off on me in the middle of a conversation. Our Spiritual cell for Power is much the same way. It is good to keep it charged up to full all the time, so we don't risk not having the Power when needed.

There are ways to apply the following episode reported by Luke about Jesus followers in meetings we have today... at work, clubs, various groups, and any gathering for the purpose of having Supernatural power to work with us. This includes about everything.

Some call it intercessory prayer... where we meet for the purpose to have Jesus Spirit intervene on our behalf and for others. It could be with the intention to solve a business problem, meet an organizational objective, enhance relationships, or overcome a diabolical situation in our lives.

It is becoming one voice in Spirit to become recharged so great power continues to go to bat for us in what Spirit leads us to do. It is petitioning the maker of Heaven and Earth to Provide Spiritual Intelligence, Power and Resolve for something of great concern.

We could call it…a Spirit Powered Meeting, or Spirit Voice Action meeting… What ever we call it… when we come together, those of Jesus Spirit, and with one voice to share our desires, extraordinary events occur.

This can take place anywhere. It is not limited geographically. It is wherever people of Jesus Spirit choose to meet... a board room, living room, by a river, in a jail, in a church building. "We know God's power is available. What we need is the will to commit ourselves to being in one accord (have one voice in heart and Spirit) in the way it is demonstrated in Acts 3 and 4 in the Bible." (Dr. A)

Here's what happened in Luke's observation...

1. The place was physically shaken.The Spirit moved in such a forceful way, the very building they were in began shaking like an earthquake was happening. Spirit, in power, will shake things up in our lives, and then restructure them.

2. The Spirit of Jesus totally immersed their entire being. When Jesus went up to the mount of transfiguration, He came back from that experience where He was reported to have met God directly, with incredible demonstrations of Power in all He did.

The same power is for us when we enter the Secret Place of the Most High, Jesus in Us. That power can be displayed with the same dramatic quality. "Nothing of (great) success is accomplished except by the power of God through the Jesus Spirit." (Dr. A)

3. In their personalities, they had a boldness uncharacteristic of their previous personalities. They were not afraid to speak to the most important and powerful people of the community about their views. "Such boldness comes from the inner presence and power of the Holy Spirit." (Dr. A)

When we walk with that inner presence of Power, Jesus Spirit, and are convinced about His direction, we exude enormous force in our presence… beyond what we may even realize. It goes before us and works on our behalf.

4. People were convinced about what they said. A super human level of persuasion was part of their speaking abilities. People all of a sudden became convinced and followed what they said. It wasn’t a rhetorical skill; it was a personal Power they had… Jesus Spirit Power in them.

5. They had all things in common. The attitudes of selfishness, self-centeredness, personal ambition or personal agendas, didn't exist. They saw themselves as one unit. They freely shared with others as they saw needs around them... both materially and spiritually, and they walked around with this Supernatural power at their disposal to heal and change lives for the better.

6. They were a walking demonstration of the Power, Love and Joy of the Spirit of God. People saw a re-birthed replica of Jesus Himself in these people. This demonstration was convincing, so convincing that people recognized something out of the ordinary was going on here…and many wanted to be part of it.

7. They treated everyone so graciously and courteously. They all seemed like one big happy family at a family reunion. They all seemed to know and enjoy each other. "How exciting it must have been to see the people in such loving fellowship and communion with each other. One could grow envious of such a sight and long to be part of this company of believers." (Dr. A)

How can we use this in our meetings? I keep thinking of how organizations and businesses have so many meetings but probably not many with the demonstration of unique power these had. What if our meetings went like this and we could get on a regular basis Spiritual Intelligence, Power and Strategic direction.

While sitting in a coffee shop this morning I over heard someone sharing with, what appeared to be, a missions group. He said he liked a “tight-loose group to work with. When a group goes from being an organism to a organization, it looses its mission earnestness. It becomes more like a job.”

Interesting thought... to be tightly knit as people, but function loosely in process. To have order, but not so many rules and too much structure so that it suppresses “spontaneous Spirit”. Even in businesses now, this kind of thought is being promoted.

Spirit can function in a powerful way when this is the foundational structure, the core essence of how everyone relates. Luke’s report of the Spirit-powered meeting in the early Jesus Spirit era, can be replicated today as well. It is possible to see this same manifestation today.

Here is how we could go about it.

Being One into Spirit
and One with each other...
becoming the Same Mind...
The Jesus Spirit Mind...
miraculous things can take place today
in the very mundane facets of our lives.

Consider this for maximum Spiritual impact:

1. When you meet, as a business, group, or a tight-loose organism, provide time for each to share what good things have been happening in each of your lives. What has Jesus Spirit be saying to you. Share your insights, experiences and revelations with each other. This pumps up faith and a positive belief in Spirit power in our attitudes. Through high degrees of faith, the “hard to explain” happens.

2. If there are negatives, misunderstandings or some "rift" between anyone in the group, get it out. Share, ask others to forgive you if you feel you have wronged someone in some way, and get things cleared up. Negatives not dealt with will cause a reluctance for heart-led involvement for some in the group. This suppresses the potential of Spiritual power.

3. Each one take time to share earnest heart desires of things you see happening and hope to happen. Even things that may be in the "out there" realm of possibility and things that may seem insurmountable to overcome. Share in a positive way, knowing Jesus Spirit Presence and Power is with you.

In essence this is prayer, as each of the group participants, unites in belief, and love and compassion and desire it to earnestly happen as well. This creates a group mind...united, a Jesus Spirit Mind that initiates Spiritual power to resolve or bring to life what is sought. Remember, Spirit creates matter and brings the resources needed, as needed, in the way needed.

4. As you take turns around the group and each share, you will see a build in enthusiasm and vigor in voice. Let the Spirit of Jesus build in the group. As this builds more and more power is expanding in Spirit and Spirit Power is going out to accomplish what is being laid before the group and before Jesus in Spirit. Jesus Spirit meets us and joins us when we meet, and when we engage Jesus Spirit within the meeting. He lives in us and participates among us.

This time may include using Scriptures, Inspired thoughts that build faith which reassure us of the greatness of Spirit and the promise of Spirit Power available to us.

5. During this time of voicing desires and believing for exceptional power, ideas will begin popping into your head. As you conclude give each person time to share with the group what is coming to mind. Trust this as God's Mind speaking to you and addressing the answer.

Reaffirm from your positive reflections what you see happening. As you do this faith continues to build and as your faith builds the power of Spirit recreating matter, from literally nothing, increases exponentially and dramatically. Keep the momentum of positive faith in motion as you speak to each other.

6. What you feel impressed to do, each person, voice this as your commitment to the answer of this "prayer" and take it on as your part in answer to what you are seeking in Spirit. Again, remember the practical and Spiritually miraculous work together. Do your part and Jesus Spirit will do His part.

Have someone keep a record of what is discussed, the revelations that may come up, the ideas that surface and new vision that may be formed. Keep this information, and bring it back the next meeting. Of course, having it emailed to each other following the meeting will keep it before each person as it continues to build vision-faith and the Spirit continues to work it into your heart...

"What you believe for as you ask and do not doubt,
it will be done for you." (Jesus)

With your words encourage each other and what you say to each other is prayer and it will be accomplished as well in Spirit. When you speak to someone you literally speak a blessing into that person and cause what you speak to actually come into that person's life.

Jesus is Us.

Interact accepting this as part of our lives in all we do,
every part of the day,
and in every involvement we have.

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