Friday, July 22, 2005

Predictive Intelligence... a Spiritual Arsenal

by Geffry Fields

Spirit will tell us before hand what is going to happen.

Spirit will then create the resources for it to happen.

The core to this power source is...
One into Spirit,
One with each other,
Retrained mind in Jesus Spirit
United with the same mind.
(note blogs:
Practical Side of Living Jesus Spirit;
Magnitude of Being One...)

Predictive intelligence comes to us more and more as Jesus Spirit is progressively characterized (living as Jesus) in our lives.

Both my daughter and I have had theater training and experience. Although she was trained by one of the finest theater schools in the United States. Many good actors are also good psychologists, costumer service reps, dealing with different personalities. This training, even if not used in theater, will assist every thing one does in life.

I remember when visiting the U. of I campus for her graduation, she pointed out a building to me and said that was were the Internet was pioneered. Recently, I just read an article about how the Internet and WWW all got started.

One of the pioneers met an U. of I student, wanted to meet him and told him...
"I see something here, I don't know what it is yet, but I want you to work with me and help me figure it out." This relationship was the beginning launch of the browser that has made the Internet what it is today.

This sounds so much like how Spirit operates. It starts with a sense. And then when cooperating with someone of like mind, the idea begins to form. But the first thing is becoming like-minded... the Same Mind.

Well, back to theater. Becoming as Jesus takes morphing into His character as ours. Pure like-mindedness and the quality of the Same Mind to be manifested in our lives as we do this.

Actors learn the art of characterization... that is becoming the very person they are portraying in a play or movie. Characterization process is very involved as the goal is to become the person you represent as an actor. You learn everything you can about the person, where he/she came from, how he grew up, what influenced him in life, family, economic history, education, how he handled this, way of thinking, emotional style and make up....

It is learning the very inner existence of the person and programming oneself so you literally become that person in a play or movie. One of the arts of living artfully in Jesus Spirit is to do the same with Jesus' life. When I read the events of Jesus life, I many times read from this perspective.... as if I were studying Him to portray Him in life.This goes hand and hand with retraining the mind.

To effectively make our mind consistent with Jesus Spirit... the pondering and living out, as if Jesus, in our prayers and meditations, as if we were becoming His character...helps more than anything to be a living model of Jesus.

Try this some day. Read several sections of Jesus life, role play in your mind/imagination as if you are Jesus, being Jesus, and go out that day and everything you do, pretend you are Jesus in all your interactions. This includes your thinking, your way of talking to people, what you talk about, how you respond and the attitude (thoughts) you carry throughout the day.

Keep doing this for a week... then review it for a week on how you did. As you did this what was different; what did you learn; how did you feel? Go back and study Jesus for a week and then do it another week.

This is a life-changing way to line up our mental and thought life with the Jesus Spirit that is trying to be consistent in lining up with us.

My personal motivation is this area... to become like Jesus and use the process of characterization when I read about Jesus. I study Jesus constantly to learn His thoughts, manner, ideology, learning the why's behind the what's. This goes beyond the "what would Jesus do" slogan we hear a lot. This goes more into being Jesus and then in all things you respond more naturally as Jesus would.

Become Jesus....and in Jesus Spirit we can.

Now when two do this and they are connected with a life mission (marriage, friends, business colleagues, etc.), they can ignite the Spiritual substance of Jesus and exceed His example of that. This takes within yourself to be
One into Spirit;
then One with each other;
with a retrained mind in Jesus Spirit
and united with one of the Same Mind.

This begins to remove the fog from our eyes as we see people along the way each day. We see into people, see real, the true needs, we begin gathering "insightful intelligence" to what is going on. You see Two of the Same Spirit, would be as if Jesus when on earth met Himself ... and Jesus and Jesus united in cause or mission.

This was what He was trying to get across to His followers. "Each of you will have Me, My Spirit, in you. When you live in love and compassion for each other, and unite My Spirit in you with one who also lives with My Spirit in them. When you do this, you light the match that sets off an explosive mass of power greater than anything than just Me, as One on earth."

Jesus Spirit... plus Jesus Spirit... sets off universe moving power. You have two in Jesus Spirit connecting... creating an electrical charge that has Universe-changing power. Can you see the significance of this?

This is the real art of prayer. Being in Spirit and interacting with Spirit which interacts with others in Spirit. An interchange of information of great magnitude goes on. As Spiritual intelligence is flowing constantly and freely within ourselves, among others, we connect with a total universe interfacing with information.

All Spirit conduits are interfacing with all Spiritual elements of the universe, connecting in a massive communication processing and exchange. Our Spirit sorts this out and we get pure, active predictive intelligence that can guide every single part, most detailed parts, most intricate areas of our lives.

Living in Jesus Spirit and be constantly online with Jesus Spirit, we stay in touch with a hyper-level Spiritual information exchange. This is a Spiritual equivalent to the Internet, but even more precise, strategic and faster. Spirit, at its purest level, surpasses in function an information exchange, with more efficacy of anything... exceeding and going beyond what the Internet Browsers will ever do.

This is the next great leading technology... a Spiritual technology... It will be Mankind's Spirits interacting in Spirit... directly... with other Mankind's Spirits.

We will some day learn the art of this... but only through Spirit. This is what prayer really is.

So this Spiritual interchange is a most powerful, protecting and empowering personal assistant. It is like we just keep a Spiritual instant message system on all the time. When good things happen, it remains important to stay connected. It will keep developing and growing unlimitedly, as we stay connected.

When we leave Jesus Spirit, go back to the natural mind, or deviate from the Jesus process, we lose this connection. It is there, but we inadvertently turn it off. We go off line, and lose instant messaging of predictive intelligence.

By staying on-line with Jesus Spirit, all the authority of God's supreme being and Spirit is at our disposal. We have the Authority of the Most High One of the Universe.

Through Jesus Spirit, Jesus Is Us...As one transposed in Spirit.. transfigured in Spirit... part of the whole group in Spirit. As Same Minds, with on-line connections in Spirit, the Ultra-authority of the universe is in the Jesus is Us group.

So, working within the Universe of Intelligence and the master game plan at work for the world and its billions of intricate components we line up to getting great connections... with whatever is the need around us. We know when to share, to help someone in need, the resource to share and have access to unlimited possibilities to get resources. We stay tuned, and tune in first to the master plan and find out our strategic role in all things we encounter.

This Master Plan by the Spirit of Creation, guides us in a micro-second system within our Jesus Spirit. Staying on-line for our instant message in Spirit, makes all we do exceptionally timely.

Dr. A elaborates, "Jesus exercised no prerogatives of His own. He did only those things which were spelled out in the mandate given to Him by His Father. Jesus was so tuned to His Father's will that His action was identical to what the Father would do. Here's the marvelous revelation of God...
for what we see in Jesus IS God!"

So Jesus Spirit in our thoughts gives us Divinely Guided Predictive Intelligence... a Universally in touch Spirit of the Universe, personally guiding our thoughts and actions. What we ask for then in light of Jesus Character, Mission, Purpose, is one with God.

This is a trinity of Power.
This trinity of relationship....God, Jesus, Spirit (all One)...made everything.

We now live in Relationship with The Trinity. Nothing can stop this Spiritual configuration.

We are working on behalf of Jesus Spirit authority over the whole universe. "The use of the Name (working on his behalf) of Jesus. It really speaks to the authority which is given to the believer who is in sync with what God is doing and will do in and through His Believers. To use the Name of Jesus as Jesus used the name of the Father demands that we be in Jesus as He is in us and in the same way in which the Father was in Him and He was in the Father." (Dr. A)

God is Trinity.
Trinity is relationship .... that they may be one as we are one... is a very high calling. Anything less than this is just a religion without power." (Dr. A)

Miracle, life re-manufacturing Power of unprecedented miraculous nature is at our beckoned call, within our smallest thoughts.
Compassion ignites it, and rules it.

When needs surface, we are capable of magnificent response.
"When Spirit guides us into action, we stretch out our hands to the needy. We share our bread in fellowship."

"The Spirit moves the physical.
The Spirit turns loose the material.
His blessings multiplies the bread. All we need is the Spirit to move us and we will experience His promise that if we agree together as touching anything that we ask it shall be done for us."

"The Spiritual is manifested in the temporal. How this contrasts with those who try through the material world to accomplish Spiritual ends. We should never attempt anything in our natural selves, but always begin in the Spirit." (Dr. A)

Divine Strategy or what to do is the Spirit of predictive intelligence. It knows what will happen. It knows what components will make it happen. We have this predictive intelligence at our disposal.

We can live off of Divine communication resources, which communicate through our minds having a Jesus Spirit mind, that give us a predictive course of action from Spiritual Intelligence.

Within this concept or aspect of prayer... we listen for Spiritual intelligence. We function strategically in all we do. Predictive Intelligence guides our whole day.

The implications of living, in reality, this lifestyle in Jesus Spirit are unfathomable, just too electrifying to be explained or expressed.

One into Spirit,
One with each other,
Retrained with Jesus Mind,
Same Mind uniting

---A Trilogy of Power---

Man to Man... connecting... to The Spiritual Ruling Trinity of the Universe. Our Apex of Spiritual forces connecting creating unmatched includes man... including the most least man on earth.

All the Creative Power of the universe is manifested in this Trilogy of Connection. The Same Spirit connecting All.

This Spirit, Jesus Spirit, creates Matter, moves circuits, heals hearts, rebuilds what's broken.

Predictive Intelligence... we know things
Creative Power... Spirit creates the material and what we need for what we know.

The Power Point:
Spirit renders predictive intelligence.
Spirit creates matter.
Spirit is the origin of everything that exists...visible and invisible; tangible and intangible.
Everything was created by Spirit, is now created by Spirit, and will be created by Spirit.

We know and can know beforehand, with Spirit its intelligence weaves through "everything" and can transport Itself to everyone.

Everyone has the privilege to tap into it. Spirit finds and creates solutions, miraculously.

As a civilization, we may only be tapping .00001% of its potential...meaning we have not even cracked the surface of Jesus Spirit potential.

It's a resource every person... irrelevant of age, education, economic status, culture... can tap, refine to use as a regular, normal part of life. The potential here is staggering.

Jesus Spirit has potential beyond our imaginations... and even this is a profound understatement.

Isaiah the Prophet in the Bible quoted Spirit as telling him, "I will show you riches in Secret Places." These Riches are "Spirit"... that creates from nothing, everything and anything beyond belief.

It starts by going into the Secret Place of the Most High. He, the Spirit, will personally reveal knowledge, and create strategic solutions, power...

Predictive Intelligence with solution forming transaction.
It's wrapped around Love and Value and Significance.

Jesus Spirit tells you what through Predictive Intelligence
Jesus Spirit gives the resources to make it happen

It's Strategic, specific, not massive.
It's exact for what is needed to accomplish what it's for.

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