by Geffry Fields
This is so huge... Jesus is Us is when we come to recognize that the same Spirit of Jesus is in all who believe.
As a united bunch we make up... Jesus…
as He is literally incarnated into connection with mankind.
This relates to the theme “Where has all the Power Gone.”
Let me explain how this works and why it is so important to be functional, and working with all who believe that Jesus Spirit exists within us and it is our choice and privilege to take full advantage of it.
It is up to us to accept and use it or ignore it.
Use it… for full life
or lose it…. for deprived living.
Dr. A had an influence of great degree on me on this area. This was the contribution he wanted to make to mankind--to leave as a legacy. It was something he felt was so important for this civilization to see, understand and put to work.
I was one who he gave an extensive amount ot time to teach and mentor. But it goes beyond just knowing.... Dr. A. called it developing Spiritual intelligence and for us to be a "living model" of it. It is more than reading the play book and knowing how to play a game. It is going into action and doing it… and doing it well.
He always emphasized... it is in the doing.
"If anything is accomplished for the Glory of God and good of mankind, it MUST be under the direction and administration of the Spirit of Jesus...and the FULL participation of all those living in Jesus Spirit." (Dr. A)
"It is truly powerful and glorious... an ‘incarnation' of God manifesting Himself in men and women."
When Jesus physically left earth, this explosion of power first erupted after he came back in a unique Spiritual-type body. He then left the earth again but this time without dying.
A few days later the match was struck and the fuel of Spirit Power erupted and began spreading everywhere like molten volcanic lava on fire spreading across all the land after a gigantic eruption of force.
Jesus transferred His seat of power and dominion over the earth, as was originally intended, to all those in this group of Jesus Spirit directed people… this Jesus is Us bunch of folks.
WE have the seat of authentic power, dominion over everything on earth.
"Jesus presence is now internalized within us." (Both individually and as a unit.)
Believers in unity make possible the manifest presence of Jesus Spirit...'manifest' meaning open to sight, visible, incredible activity around all this.” It is in “us”... "us" meaning the connection of those connected to Spirit, the very Spirit of God of the universe. Take a minute and visualize this.
This is incredibly awesome, a faith producing self assurance that all things are truly possible. When Jesus is Us "is in proper relationship to Jesus Spirit and also to each other of Jesus Spirit" the all Powerful World-Making Spirit of the Universe works through this cell.
Keep in mind… this is US… One in Spirit.
Note two factors.
First, the individual must maintain this pure relation in himself finely aligned with Jesus Spirit within.
Second, then those who are aligned within themselves must be matched up in the same alignment with each other.
It takes two... given to the same Spirit of Jesus for power to be manifested.
What is so significant is that this oneness may include people of different sociological backgrounds, races, education, religious experiences... it is the Spiritual Oneness that matters. But being together in heart, Spirit and of One Mind is the critical factor. Within that the same purpose/direction, similar missions may be birthed. Clarity of each person’s role is made and a syncopated team evolves.
What is confusing sometimes is the definitions we give church. Are we talking about a church here? The concept of what was to be called… The Church is being redefined. The name is not so significant, the organization, the place... are not the important elements to this. What is important is our Spiritual relationship with Jesus, God and with each other in the same. This is actually a virtual thing, not a named group. As Dr. A said, "It might be of interest to point out that the term church is not mentioned until a later time. In these earliest days of what is often later referred to as the early church, the church is referred to as just the believers. It could be observed here that a crowd, an audience, or congregation is not the body of Christ. Many use this term loosely."
Name, structure, organization, place, buildings have very little to do with it.
"Everyone in a church building is not in The Church. Nor is everyone who is part of a congregation a part of The Church. Nor everyone who has membership in a particular church may not be in the Body of Christ." (Dr. A)
It’s the Spiritual connection of Jesus is Us. Where those truly connected and operating from the Spirit of Jesus in all they do are working in cooperation with each other... being directed by the Spirit within each person that leads them to work as a team. It’s a relational, Spiritual Connection.
Jesus is Us (as Dr. A referred to this as the Body of Christ mentioned in the New Testament by the Apostle Paul) is about what this is about...there is a distinction between those who meet and have a name and do a bunch of things together compared to those who function alongside each other, interconnected by Spirit with each other and see themselves as an orchestrated unit with Jesus Spirit as the conductor united as one massive team. The distinction is "the sharing of Jesus Spirit within the relationship of Spirit-Driven People."
The profound meaning of this concept may be "an intimate sharing" in their connection with each other. The keyword is “intimate”. It’s all about the quality of the Spiritual connection… depth, degree, purity…How close they live out Jesus Spirit genuinely within themselves and among themselves.
In this, specific identity is lost... their aspirations are what we can do assisting each other and giving up individual recognition so as a unit we can accomplish more. It eliminates the problems of position, power and prestige that comes with individually recognized accomplishments.
When walking into this group, someone may ask, "who's in charge here." The response would be... "we are." We all follow the Spirit of Jesus in Us and when we all honestly seek the guidance of the Same Spirit in each of us,
the result is Jesus is ... Us.
It's a Spiritual-based team and we all get to know the other person as God designed them and how to bounce off each other and complement each other. Oneness cannot be manufactured or legislated. It must be born from the heart. It's when the Spirit is and is the same in each person, which is One, when the connection among everyone is One.
Dr. A identified where Being One applies:
1. One with God... Jesus Spirit. This is first and foremost that each person cultivate this in themselves (Being One with Jesus Spirit) or the rest won't work.
Right here it breaks down in many.
Many never really pursue a One relationship with Jesus Spirit. This has to be committed to and functioning in each person for the Profound Mystery of Spirit to work. Through time in the Secret Place of the Most High, in meditation, prayer, Scripture reflection, time in connected Spiritual thought, it is cultivated.
Those who say they do (but don’t) and come together with others are not necessarily in sync with everyone. They actually draw from everyone instead of contributing. It was impressed on me to come “prepared…In Spirit” so to be a contribution. When all do this the result is outstanding.
2. One in themselves. Our central command post is our Spirit... Jesus Spirit... which guides the mind and distinctively channels our thoughts, which then the mind directs the body what to do.
When this is in alignment as One (and the body is not fighting the mind, or the mind having an argument with the Spirit), we as individuals become a Supernatural Force. The biggest war is in the mind, within ourselves... win that one and we have just reached one of the biggest milestones to reach in our lives.
3. One with each other. When each is allowing Jesus Spirit to control and direct each of us, we can create strong alignment here. It is natural when we all are yielding to the same direction of the same spirit... Jesus Spirit. This is the major area. It may have its biggest affect within a husband/wife relationship where the highest degrees of intimacy (Spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically) can be formed. One of the first things God did when He created man was form them as a dual-team…husband and wife as One.
This was God’s ideal idea from the beginning. Jesus in the Bible sent His disciples out in pairs. Businesses today are finding the power of cohesive teams in that they many times out perform a highly educated professional.
4. One with all who believe. A society like this would be the most wonderful society in the world. If those who follow and believe in Jesus Spirit, that within itself can start a power-train encroaching into changing the dynamics of the world around them. When One as believers, it is promised in the Scriptures that the Presence of Jesus will manifest and all His capabilities will be overtly demonstrated. That is we will visibly see it happening in our lives in many ways.
5. One in Communication. This will increase our abilities in understanding each other. Again, as we are aligned in the same Spirit, we, without effort "get it" when communicating. And in some cases, we don't need to use words.... we just seem to know. This is a subject of its own and can be very Supernatural in expression.
We have the capability to be in long distances from others and know what is going on with someone else.... when two parties are fine tuned in Jesus Spirit. This can be cultivated and happen as a normal part of our lives like picking up a phone and calling someone.
6. One in ownership. Individual possessive nature is lost when people are the same in Jesus Spirit. Everything we have is part of Us, and we don't see things as our own.
This goes into complete contradiction with how our society thinks and acts. "It's all mine." …as many wish it to be all theirs. But the reverse is the character of Jesus Spirit as One. In our hearts we want all to be well, do well, and help each other out.
We see ourselves as united as one. We pull together and are genuinely happier for others successes than our own. We truly love each other and want better for others than ourselves. So, we share what we have freely as we see others as a part of ourselves... connected as One in Jesus Spirit.
With the Jesus Spirit manifesting around us through aligned Jesus is Us relationships, these qualities should be the norm in our lives. There still is more to this.
The magnitude of Jesus is Us is hard to put into words properly. As said early, it must be put to work... even experimentally for a while to really see what starts to happen. When we do it, we will learn through it as Jesus Spirit teaches us along the way.
The journey must begin first, even though imperfect as we start. This is the only way to find out how extensive this is … and its supernatural impact as it empowers our lives Beyond the natural.
The very Power, Presence, Peace of Jesus Himself is manifested when we function as one.
Our natural, culture thinking is not like this. Even those who call themselves churches are not like this... you can see why they don't demonstrate the power of Jesus now as Jesus did when on earth. Just read the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament and see how well, in reality, we are doing here.
Here’s the Point:
You can do it!
It can start with Just you.
You need just one person to team with who is One with the Jesus Spirit.
Then others may connect… but the focus should not be on how many but on creating quality in the relationship among a few. It is more important to find the committed than get a whole bunch involved. This works for husband/wife, among friends, business associates…
“One can influence hundreds”
"Two, united as One, can influence thousands.”
Start with your immediate relationships.... build Oneness in Spirit in them. In all relationships, focus on One in relationship in Jesus Spirit first.
Then as you see the manifestation of Spirit, life changing, life producing and life creating power in you... expand this to another.
Above all… it is the intimate, close-knit “Oneness” qualities that build the Power of Jesus is Us… at a super-manifesting level.
Above all… make love your aim.
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