Saturday, May 28, 2005

From Survival to The Supernatural

by Geffry Fields

What it takes in the spiritual to see supernatural power in your life to over come tremendous challenges, is the same for what it takes to achieve supernatural results in everything else.

I found this out by an unexpected series of events. The following is a formula that emerged from this. This is a finding of over 15 years of hard labor in the paths of life.

It all began when I found myself living alone in a small apartment after13 years of marriage and a job of over 10 years ended. As I sat there one day feeling all was gone, I made this commitment to God... show me how to find You when all others have forsaken me and I will share it with others. This is the result of that plea and commitment.

I had worked for a religious organization for a decade. It seemed my downfall there began when representing the needs of the employees to the leadership, who became disenchanted with my existence there. I represented nearly 700 employees. The employees really liked me as I would go to bat for them, but the leadership didn't like me to bring the reality of the workplace before them.

I took a survey once, of which I was brought on the carpet for doing, and I was told..."if you want to know what the employees think, you came and ask me" ... this was by the leader of the organization at that time. Real eye opening to institutional leadership and the non-desire for truth and dealing with reality. From then on it seemed I was on a black list. It really enlightened appreciation for Moses and his dealings with Pharaoh.

Next I went through a divorce, and the coffin screws were tightening. This was not an acceptable thing at all with the religious organization, especially being in a management position. Then just a little bit down the road, I was called in to see my superior who informed me that I was being seen with a lady who smoked cigarettes and I was seen drinking a beer at a pizza parlor. Now, this was the icing on the cake for them. I was asked to submit my resignation. Well, I was told to submit my resignation. This moment changed my whole life.

With $2,000 to my name, now on the streets, ex-communicated from the religious organization that raised me. I had no contacts in the world and lived in this dinky apartment. It was there where all friends seemed gone, that the Spirit of Jesus began taking over in a very real and unique way. I will not belabor this story, but I want to share what I have learned from all this.

What it takes to get through very trying times is the same for what it takes to excel Spiritually, enabling you to accomplish exceptional things... as your heart is leading you to do.

One thing I found is happiness again. I found my real self again. I found what my natural gifts are and how to live in them. I told you all of the above, so you know the following has been tested and tried through the refining fire of life's experiences.

From survival to Living in the Supernatural.

A Spiritual Survival Guide
Creating Realities through Spiritual Connection.

Spiritual connection is when people who living in context of "Jesus living in them" connect with others who live the same way. When one's own life is aligned with the Spiritual Principles of Spirit as Jesus defined them and they then connect with others, tremendous power is released through their interactions. Here's the process.... First, take responsibility for your own time in Spiritual Presence. Jesus went off often to pray the New Testament says. During these times, once Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus. It was at these times Jesus was both empowered to a supernatural level and He had clear direction of what to do.

I encourage you to review my posting: Spiritual Intelligence... a supernatural mystery .

Keep a log of what you hear, thoughts you get, senses you have when in times like when Jesus went off alone, and you go off alone as well. Weblogs are a good place to keep these things that come to mind as you have a record and your friends can see them too.

Second, find a person who is doing the same and share with them what you are thinking and sensing from these times alone. This sharing and combined faith and hope for each other is very critical. This process of shared hope, belief and faith for the other, begins a dynamic, strategic release of Spiritual power on your behalf. Jesus said if just two come together and are in agreement(in heart, with love and compassionate desire for the other) He will personally see to it that what you agree on will be done. You have just made a contract, in essence, with Jesus Himself who will personally represent you to The Spirit, who creates all things.

Third, both a Spiritual and reality factor go to work here. You naturally think of what you can to do to be part of the answer to this person's prayer, desire in life. Some answers are right within our abilities... if so, we should respond accordingly. In some cases, we get ideas from each other and from those ideas, the answer begins to form. Then, we get theSpirit of God going to work for us.

Jesus said whatever you ask when you are living in consistency of what "I stand for and what I am about in your life I will see it is done." This is such an awesome thing to think about. Jesus Himself is going to work for us as He inspires us as well to use the gifts, talents He has given us to be involved in the process. We have hope and belief to do things above and beyond we ever could have imagined possible just within ourselves. It is amazing when we are convinced we can do things above and beyond what we have ever done before, we then literally rise to another level.

Fourth, stay in touch with the person you have Connected with in Spirit. This keeps the Spirit of the Universe in motion and keeps us tuned into it for direction and inspiration which leads us to the answer. With cell phones, the internet we can stay in touch better than ever before. It is good to meet in person if possible from time to time. To continue connecting in Spirit prayers (prayer is when our hearts meet with Jesus and we exchange communication with Him... it is a sending out communication and receiving communication.) It is actually being in His Presence. ... and His Presence joins us.

Constantly share what the Spirit of Jesus is saying to you... through your thoughts and dedicated introspective times focused in Jesus Spirit. You'll have your own mount of Transfiguration times like when Jesus was seen with Moses and Elijah when He went up to the mountain to pray. This is Transformational Power at its greatest height.

The blog is a great way to communicate too and bring others into what is on your heart. The power is in being with like-hearted people who are rooting for us from the depths of their hearts and desire as much as we do to see the visions, wishes and needs of our lives taken care... as if they were our own.

Fifth, each person also, individually, connects with others and do the same thing. If you know someone else you care for and trust, do the same with them. Of course, husband and wife are the best to start with and each branch out from there. The exciting thing is, if this other person does the same, and it keeps expanding, before you know it you have quite a Spiritually empowered network at work.

So now you have two Spiritual conduits at work... one with one friend and one with another. You have also enlarged a Spiritually natural flow of Spiritual empowerment going on. It also has the impact of answers coming through this weaving contact of people. Two by two by two begins to create an ever expanding network of Spiritual Connections.

Now do you see what you have just done?

You have just formed the Kingdom of Heaven on earth...All Power of Heaven is at your disposal. Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven is like a vine, a net, a tree. You have just formed the pattern of Spiritual relationship He was advocating. It was about close relationships developing among people, as with Jesus Himself, and this close relationship network, expanding almost limitlessly. You see how the internet and cell phones are playing such a role for this to happen and be functional in all distances.

What have you just done? This is what the Bible intended to be the concept of church. We can visit on this later. The power and supernatural potential of Spirit affecting our lives moves into an unlimited power close-knit, expansive, penetrating into all facets of society and cultures.

Dr. A. told me this is what was missing to make church as powerful as it was to be. But first the concept of church needed to be redefined. Church is when anyone meets with someone who sees Jesus as the Core Spiritual factor in their lives and they choose to live in His power, relationship and principles of life process.

It just takes two... it's in the relationship quality where true Spiritual Qualities and Power exist.

Simply put... it is relating to the Biblical principles as Jesus taught, meeting in His presence as I described in the Spiritual Intelligence blog... interacting in mission and effort with others of the same Spirit and working as a team in life efforts, activities and vision-driven purposes. This is extremely easy to do. It's a matter of doing it consistently and refining your skills of entering the Spirit of Jesus, who lives in you, allowing His Spirit to restructure your emotional and intellectual being.

It's living in a leisurely ride on the river of life, with His Spiritual current... versus paddling real hard trying to go against the current not flowing within the banks of Spirit flow.

This is also where the supernatural Power exhibited by Jesus is tapped. This can be used among spouses, friends, within a business, with professionally liked-minded groups, etc. It's application crosses all paths of life.

It's simple... but a person must just do it and see what begins to happen. All the Supernatural Power of Jesus Spirit is with you as you Spiritually connect with Him along with the Connection with His Spirit in others.

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