Saturday, May 21, 2005

Spiritual Intelligence… a supernatural mystery

by Geffry Fields

"We have not developed Spiritual intelligence."
This is the first time I heard this combination of words...
"Spiritual intelligence".

Dr. A went on to say we have learned a great deal about how our body’s work. We have made great strides in the 20th Century on learning about how the mind functions, how the physical body works and our varied psychologically makeup.

Although we have very little understanding of how Spirit works in us...what he called Spiritual Intelligence.

Stephen Covey’s The 8th Habit refers to 4 forms of intelligence... mental, physical, emotional and spiritual intelligence. He refers to the spiritual as the conscience side of the human being. He forecasts that in the 21st century we are moving away from an industrial society(physical), to a knowledge working(mental) culture with the future morphing into a wisdom society....where principles of spirit merge with knowledge.

Dr. A saw the Spiritual Intelligence factor as having a high level impact especially in its creative potential... merely through a developed Spiritual intelligence. Covey agrees that this is our most advanced and most important quality.

In essence we have a transformational power available to us that can take a Spirit inspired vision and put into motion factors that eventually transform it to become a tangible reality.

But how does this happen?

So if all this is true, why are we not looking into this with a stubborn earnestness to find it and use it. Spirit created everything and Its Intelligence is superior to all the physical, mental make up of man. Our society rates mental and physical advancements very high… from education we admire smart people, in sports we idolize athletic stars. Sports figures make more money than the President of the United States. Who would you say has the most important job. Here’s another way to look at this… how we view relationship judgments.

I once worked with a single adult matching service for professional people. It seemed like most when looking at the various profiles, first looked at looks, age, activities, kids… the spiritual aspect of the person was hardly considered. We are concerned about looks, the physical in most of our personal relationships and business… the better looking ones, best looking design and most talented (accomplished) get the nod. Then we may look at ones education and intelligence, and then the emotional side….how much fun they are to be with. The last is, even if we get to it, the spiritual qualities of the person.

We function pretty much backwards when choosing our relationships. For seeing supernatural power in our lives, Spiritual Intelligence factors are most important. When two with the same Spiritual base unite they create the Creative Power of Jesus. How close we are in physical age has probably the least effect on effectiveness…but what do we do… we focus on physical age first. You see how our culture has led us from what the power of Spirit can be. We are so age and appearance conscience, we chose the most irrelevant factors over the most important factor.

Spiritual is ageless, without limitations. The most significant compatibility is Spiritual compatibility. Spiritual Intelligence has no age, education, looks, economic differences. Dr. A was about 40 years older than me, although we had this Spiritual closeness. When functioning in Spiritual Intelligence, the young and old affectionately connect, the intelligent and not-so intelligent relate, the pretty and not-so pretty are attracted to each other.

Spiritual Intelligence has a life, world, thought of its own.
Spirit IS... always was... is ...always will be ... Spirit IS!

It’s grounded in Love, and Love functions in a higher realm.

In Spiritual intelligence it is strictly “sameness” there that has its greatest affect on seeing supernatural between the two combined inrelationships... personally, work or mission. Spiritual Intelligence is a sensing thing. What is sensed is cultivated and translated into the mind. The mind carries it, when seen in our mind, it is then converted into emotion… where excitement and passion builds. The physical is merely the slave we use to carry it out. It takes its orders from the mental "controlled" by the spiritual.

The process then is Spiritual… to mental… to emotion… to physical. Our culture and society functions in most cases just the opposite of this.

How do we develop Spiritual Intelligence?

First by not following our physical or mental or emotional inclinations first… what we see and what we are in a physical makeup. Make physical inclinations “stand still and wait” to give time for Spirit to process things. This is best done by quietly waiting with our minds knowing the very Spirit of Jesus is working in us and talking to us. It takes shutting out everything around us and waiting for the “still small voice” as many call it to talk to us. It is letting our mind wander off as in a trance and going off to the very presence of God. (This may take a while… sometimes several hours.) To walk in as Jesus and interact within your sensing, your Spiritual vision, what is to be. It is writing a screen play. The picture begins unfolding before our mind's eye. And sometimes it’s words, a phrase, a thought. (Dr. A, said to listen to these impressions… this is Jesus speaking to you.)

The other is spending time reading inspiring Spiritually based writings such as the prophets in the Bible and other Spiritually inspired writings. The writings that emphasize unlimited Spiritual possibilities incite the Spirit within you, it turns it on, it begins performing.
It’s always there, but in a way, you got to turn it on.

One other area is Spiritual music. Listening to Spiritually inspired music. I personally like Praise and Worship music out today. There are many others. I am listening to an Australian group right now. I have several instrumental selections that inspire the Spirit of Jesus within to reveal His Intelligence. Early in the morning, late at night, walking downtown in a city late at night when all is quiet is the best times and environments for me. I sense the power of Jesus coming over me and I quietly wait and reflect and allow all of Jesus, in me, to begin activating its power.

Covey uses a concept he calls alignment. Dr. A. would emphasize that this alignment be in Spirit with man and Jesus Spirit. That with the privilege of Christ presence now among and in us, we have the same privileges as Jesus demonstrated on the earth and recorded in the New Testament in the Bible. When we are aligned in Spirit with the principles of God's character, Spiritual being, we can see Spiritual Intelligence activated to bring into a tangible reality... those thoughts related to noble and mankind well-being purposes; thoughts that imprint on our minds; what has been inspired in our minds when totally focusing on the Personality, Reality, and Person of Jesus' Spirit. It is in us, among us, universally out there connected to Us.

How does this work?

That was Dr. A's point. We don't understand this very well, nor know how to put it to work. But he felt if people in small numbers(just two or three) who met with the desired purpose to learn and figure it out, God would not disappoint them and He would teach them what to do. He felt if you did this, you would learn as you go and begin to see this happen. Profoundly, he pronounced that Jesus Spirit will teach you directly and personally for those who desire this, seek it and earnestly, without fail, pursue it.

Jesus "personally" teaches each of us.

Sometimes we get caught up in technique. He felt it was not a technique type of thing, but a relationship type of thing. It again went back to the love idea. It’s not about how smart you are or how good looking you are… it’s about your heart, love
Jesus Spirit in you
and resting in that.

As we love, interact in love, and pursue as units, in compassionate efforts, the powers of the Creative God of the Universe go to work on our behalf.

Cultivate Spiritual Intelligence.
The mystery Power of this Intelligence from your senses and visions of mind(day dreams) will be empowered to manifest Itself into a knowing reality. Believe in your connection to The Unending universal Power Source, trust the Spiritually inspired visions and impressions processed through your mind, inspired by Spiritual literature, especially the Bible red contemplatively, and music, Jesus Spirit will begin maturing in you. There is much more to this… but seek Spiritual Intelligence and honor that more than the physical, age, mental, education, emotions, psychological…
The Spiritual Intelligence that brings supernatural power, with universal connection of eternal existing proportions, will walk with you.

So its not a brain thing, a method, ... but a Spiritual love thing.

Spiritual intelligence can only be cultivated in the Spirit, it cannot be developed through intellectual process. This a human body/mind limitation, although we have a Spiritual inner chamber that communicates directly to God's Spirit which is above and beyond, outside of and independent of man's intellectual/mind faculties.

Now begin connecting to Creative Spiritual transformational power with your Spiritual Intelligence.

Jesus Is Us… you have all He had and more!

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