Friday, May 13, 2005

Making Love in the Bride’s Room

by Geffry Fields

What ever you do to the least of these you do to me.
To be perfect,
perfect this... learn how to love each other.

All powers of the world hinge on our expression of love. When love breaks down all things break down. It creates inertia... all things stop.

It took me by surprise. A shining star division manager for a Fortune 500 technology company's division was experiencing 40% growth yearly.... over a 7-year span. While producing a video for him, he shared a thought I never forgot.

Although known for his common use of 4-letter words you wouldn't hear in Sunday School, he showed a very compassionate side. He referred to his employee base as a community, a family. He teamed people who most had, at the best, a high school education. Not the cream-of-the-crop engineers you might expect in this type company.

When it come down to it, after probing on what made his people perform above what most would expect... he let it slip... "I love my people." It was a peculiar choice of words for this apparently hard person.

In meetings I saw how much he cared and valued each person. He saw abilities in them most would not come close to recognizing.

I also saw this in my mentor’s life, Dr. A. He respected and valued every person he met. He gave time and attention to people you would not see as important. He respected them as a creation of God. God had put some very unique abilities in them. He saw "Creator" greatness in each one he met. He sought to find what that was and attempted to spark the person to see it too and put it to work for advancing the Jesus principle of love throughout society. "It only takes a spark to get a fire a glowing" he carried as a personal theme.

What is “making love?”

One way to see love is to consider the opposite....judging.
Jesus cautioned people not to judge. “In the same way you judge others you will be judged,” He said. Look for the creative best in the others and help them make it become a reality in their lives.

Judging finds a weakness and then cuts the person down. Love finds their uniqueness and attempts to build it up in them. To the degree that we do this, is the same degree that it is done to us.

Love is projecting into the lives of people

Respect for them

Admiration of them

Belief in them and what they are capable of

We are all made by the same source. The Creator of the Heavens and the Earth made us from Scratch. A true entrepreneur, visionary person is one who can take an idea, with no apparent resources, and bring it into reality. When we see "each" person, that is "every" walking person on earth as one of God's masterpiece creations... built from scratch with God's imagination... we can respect that person as a valued person of Divine choosing. When we look closer and see what is really unique about that person, we can come into admiration of what is really there. Each person is similar to us but different than anyone else.

As Jesus emphasized....It will be done according to your belief. As we believe in God's potential for that person, we can see an incredible potential begin emerging, blossoming, become a new shining star of society.

Love is when we participate with God to bring out the unique best qualities in all those we meet, work with and hire to work for us. He has put in us "love" to find that and help all we meet, work with, find it too. When they recognize it, believe in them as they see us believing in them, they rise to the level of belief put into them. As Jesus saw them and believed in them. They became what He saw in them. They will do the same for us. As a unique person no one can match or be like them. When you cultivate that uniqueness, they bring an invaluable contribution into your life, business, activities.

As a community of those who make it a point to live out Jesus Spirit in us, we welcome the very Presence and Power of His existence when on earth. He said to love each other in a very intimate way as loving ourselves, like a bride. The Bible refers to the group of people who live in this lifestyle as His Bride. When two or three meet with Jesus Spirit among them, they have all of Jesus Power, loving intimacy at their disposal.

It's... making love in the Bride’s room. As we make love among each other in Spirit, we have ecstasy, joy and love expressing itself that is beyond description. When we commit to
making love, we then manifest and activate authentic Jesus Power through us.

All we can say is … “WOW!"

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